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Homework Policy

Integrated Algebra
SAT Prep
Advanced Math
General Policies
Fun Stuff

  • Homework is assigned on a regular basis to reinforce concepts covered in class and to provide students with the practice they need to master the objectives being taught.  For this reason, it is crucial that assignments be completed on time.

    > In order to receive full credit,

         - the homework must be in class on the due date

          - ALL work must be shown

         - every problem that is assigned must be attempted

  • If you are totally confused and want to receive full credit for the assignment, you must write out the entire problem, leaving room for the solution. Homework will be collected periodically so all homework assignments are to be written on a separate sheet of paper with the following heading.

       Name____________________                 Period____

       Date_________                                    Class # _____

  • You are responsible for completing the homework missed on the days you are absent.  It is your responsibility to show it to me in a timely fashion (within 1 day for every day that you are absent!) to receive credit.